1988 BMW E30 Project
Stage 2 Paint Correction + Detailing Kingdom Fluid Dynamics Teflon (dK FDT)
Old School Single Stage Paint + Red + Paint Correction is probably one of our favourite combination because the finished results are usually the best.
To start off, the paint is in a very bad shape with almost 450,000 kilometres on the clock. Original paint! Unbelievable.
Preparing and decontamination is crucial***
Any detailers that offers cheap detailing service usually skips this step to "save time" - We discourage this. We believe in the saying "Buy Nice or Buy Twice"
Of course our first step is to snow foam pre-soak to breakdown and loosen up dirt and grime from day to day driving, followed by a 2 bucket wash with grit guards to prevent cross contamination. Using Detailing Kingdom's Premium Shampoo Car Hydra
After the washing stage, we use Dodo juice's clay lube and a medium grade claybar to safely remove heavy bonded contaminants.
We finish the preperation and decontamination stage by drying the car properly with microfibre waffle weave towel (we do not advise using chamois "shammy") to safely dry the car without instilling any swirl marks or scratches.
We finish the preperation and decontamination stage by drying the car properly with microfibre waffle weave towel (we do not advise using chamois "shammy") to safely dry the car without instilling any swirl marks or scratches.
Correction & Polishing Stage
The long haul process - Paint Correction.
Firstly, we measure the paint with a paint thickness gauge to determine the life and history of the paintwork. It measures 120 to 150µm. But the bonnet however, measures from 60 to 80µm. That tells us some one has polished heavily in the past, so we are using less aggressive products on the bonnet. If we didn't take this step. we might have burned through the paint.
A couple of test spots is then carried out using different pads and combination to determine the best combination for this car.
We used more aggressive approach for the rest of the car because it has more paint to work with and it produces a better finish. Restoring its neglected paintwork to a brillant shine from the heavily oxidised paintwork.
We then used Detailing Kingdom's Fluid Dynamics Teflon (FDT) for the LSP (Last Step Product) to finish off the car with an excellent shine.
We then used Detailing Kingdom's Fluid Dynamics Teflon (FDT) for the LSP (Last Step Product) to finish off the car with an excellent shine.
Finished Product
For more information, feel free to contact us!